Daiso: the Korean Dollar Store

Welcome to Korea! You have figured out your living accommodations, applied for your Alien Registration Card, signed up for your classes at Hanyang University, and now it’s time to settle in! When you arrive to Korea, you probably didn’t bring all of the things that you need for everyday life here. Well, let me introduce you to a cheap alternative for your daily necessities!


Called “Daiso”, this store is a cheap alternative to other department stores and has all of your basic needs. “Daiso” is a franchise that originated in Japan, and nicked named the “100-yen shop”.  They have locations all over Asia, including Hong Kong, Vietnam, Taiwon, Thailand, Singapore, Japan, and of course, South Korea. From laundry baskets to school supplies to toothbrushes, it has it everything for very cheap, usually ranging from 1,000 won to 4,000 won.


This Daiso has two levels, organized with different labels for easy access. The labels hang from the ceiling, with simple categories like “Kitchen”, “Storage”, or “Cleaning”. I personally bought a toothbrush, laundry basket, a mirror, organizer boxes, stationary, notebooks, pencils, pens, and some snacks for the dorm. As you can tell by the list, Daiso carries a variety of items that a foreigner would need for their apartment or dorm.


However, I did notice that there were a couple of things missing from Daiso. One, they did not have lamps or lighting. Daiso also did not carry a wide variety of bedding, which is one of the important necessities for living. But do not worry! There is an E-Mart around the corner at the Wangsimni Plaza, which has literally everything. Keep in mind that the E-Mart prices are a little bit higher than Daiso, but still not too expensive.


For Hanyang Exchange students, there is one that is by the Wangsimni station (왕십리역), literally right in front of exit 9. There are multiple ways to get here. First, you can take the subway from Hanyang Station near the Hanyang Plaza and take the Green Line (Line 2) to Wangsimni Station. If are leaving from the on campus dormitories, it is easier to ride Bus 4211 and get off at the Wangsimni Station stop. Or, if you’re up for a stroll, you can just walk to the location!




So if you’re in need of some tape to put up your posters or pictures from home, or some laundry detergent for your clothes, or a potted plant to decorate your room, head to Daiso and buy everything you need for cheap!

 By Wonmi from the U.S.A.


  1. […] you live near Wangsimri station, then check out our other article about the Wangsimni Daiso here (https://myhubs.org/2014/09/14/daiso-the-korean-dollar-store/). This might be closer to your living quarters if you don’t live in Residence Hall 2, Smartville, […]

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